
life as a pastor invites me into man intimate moments in families, one of which are funerals.

now don’t take this the wrong way, but there is a part of me that likes funerals.

i am broken by loss, grieved with family and friends as we mourn the passing of one loved.

at the same time, i often get a look into a life lost that i otherwise could not have seen.

i am able to see into their homes and others memories, to enjoy the small parts of their life that gave them joy and purpose.

you find out the manly husband wrote poetry and the quiet wife had a biting sense of humor.

you find out how the one gone led their family in love and purpose.

there is a darker side, we find out through lack of stories and laughter a life that was lost in selfishness, but those funerals I try not to dwell on.

but what they do always remind me of is my need to live my life well, how would like to be remembered?

how will I be remembered by the ones closest to me?

how can my life be marked by selflessness, joy and hope? 

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