
look here. show Your face.

we long for the gaze of our loved ones. entire lives can be broken when a caring contact from a parent is removed. when we cannot trust the look upon those around us. forever we search out for the face that will look upon us with kindness. this desire being so strong has caused so many to search for relationships however painful and broken that would have the possibility of a gaze such as this.

but what if our Creator built this into us? knowing that the only favor that could fulfill completely could come from the One that planted this desire in us. the same word to plead for the attention of His face is the word to receive His gracious compassion.

it is no wonder that we look to the eyes of others begging for favor and understanding. we ultimately seek that which no person could fully give. we can never look deep enough into the eyes of others so we see their souls. but our Creator can and He promises His children this gift.

but you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness. LOOK DOWN and have mercy on me. Ps. 86:14

look here. show Your face. the face of One that truly understands and sees us all in the way we most desperately need.

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