Adventures in Advent Reading

Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash

Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash

This was our first year as a family to try to do advent reading daily. I won't lie to you and say that it was a perfect success. There were a few days that we attempted to read and didn't make it through, and there were a few days that we didn't have (or make) the time to read together. But the times we did read it, we were really blessed as a family. I don't have a lot of experience in other reading plans for this season, but we loved walking through John Piper's advent reading, Good News of Great Joy. It walks through beautiful scriptures that lead up to Christmas as well as short and concise readings about the passages.

We all have probably read through the story of Christ's birth in Luke, or have our favorite Christmas movie to watch (my all time favorite will always be It's a Wonderful Life). But this year I encourage everyone to take it a step further.

If you already have something you read as a family, awesome, if not, try out this resource! There is still time to focus your family around Christ during this season.

If you want the opportunity to have a great spiritual focus to your advent season, click here to download John Piper's advent book for free from the Desiring God website!

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