Ready for Contentment


Happy New Year everybody!!

Every year the church staff picks words for themselves that reflect something about the upcoming months. My word for 2017 was "Content". I shared this last Sunday about the process of learning my word every year (painfully at times) through the loving teaching of God. It wasn't until January 1st, 2018 that I finally got what God was trying to teach me.  

On the first day of January my wife, son and I were driving across country to Oklahoma to visit family for the holidays. As we drove, I saw a number of ads for big lottery jackpots For just a few dollars I had the chance to win unbelievable sums money. 

The Promise of the Lottery

I began to think about what it would be like to win that prize as I drove. I imagined hearing the numbers of the current drawing. Looking at my ticket. Seeing the numbers matched would turn my legs to jelly (I assumed). The lottery would give me a rush of peace over any financial concern I had ever had.

I thought about any provisions I needed over the next few days. They would be easily taken care of by winning. I thought of my search for the best deal for a hotel for the night, no longer would I need to pinch pennies, I wouldn't have to worry.

I thought about the future, owning a home, providing for my family, and having complete financial freedom. I thought about all the things I hoped I could do in my lifetime, they would be in my reach after winning.  

I thought about the responsibility I would have if I won. I would be in charge of a fortune and I would need to invest and give wisely. I liked the idea of having something so important to give out to those that were poor and in need.

Just Imagination

Then I realized (remembering my word for the past year) this was how I failed to be content. The fact that I was just IMAGINING winning the lottery and I was nearly overwhelmed in peace and hope was the entire reason I have struggled with being content.

My gut level reaction to winning the lottery should be the reaction I have to my salvation in Jesus Christ. I need to be overwhelmed by what Christ has done for me. I need to have my legs turn to jello when I see my numbers match up to the jackpot of salvation in Jesus Christ.

The very things that the lottery promises "might" happen are what Jesus promises WILL happen when our faith is placed in Him. 

It's this reality that will grant me (and you) the ability to be content. When we know what we have in Jesus we have no other option but complete contentment.

The Promise of Christ

Winning the lottery promised me provision for things of today. Jesus guranteed the things of today to those "seek first the kingdom of God" in Matthew 6:33. I've won a lifetime supply of daily provision in God, no longer do I need to worry like the world, God knows what I need!

The lottery promised that my tomorrow would be taken care of, but who better to give me hope for tomorrow than God? Romans 8 beautifully points us to the great hope we have, that everything is pushing us toward the great hope. A hope of eternity with God, that all things will be made right. I've been adopted into God's family and I'm in it forever!

The promise of unlimited resources is both alluring and responsibility laden. There is much required for those that much is given! (Luke 12:48) When you have been given a jackpot of riches, like Bill Gates for example. Everyone in the world sees a moral responsibility to help as many people as possible because of the great problems and poverty of the world. What have we been given in Christ but "immesurable" riches? We carry the same responsibility to be sharing the eternal hope that is within us.


Many of us make resolutions this time of year, a lot of which are great and necessary. I know over the years I've made a number of great resolutions, almost all have been failures. But this year, I pray that daily I'm reminded. I've won the lottery, I have won the lottery indeed!

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